Art Muse Blog

The Watershed Post Human Exhibition : Revisited and Updated with a Third Generation of Posthumanist Artists at Jeffrey Deitch Los Angeles

Published in Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art, January 26 2025. The momentous updated exhibtion turned Jeffrey Deitch’s vast gallery into a post human world  with three generations of artists’ work meticulously  installed to show a dilogue between severa; key artists from the original exhibtion and the new genration of artists continuing to explore these themes today.  ...
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Jean-Michel Basquiat: Made on Market Street at Gagosian Gallery, Beverly Hills Explores a Vital Missing Chapter of Art History

Published in Whitehot Magazine, May 2 , 2024. Made On Market Street, addresses an extremely important chapter in Jean-Michel Basquiat’s life and work when he stayed in Los Angeles betwen 1982 and 1984 as Larry Gagosian’s guest. Basquiat really came into his own in L.A., and this museum quality exhibition finally corrects an historical oversight by...
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Art World Podcast with Lita Alburquerque and Astrid Preston with Guest Host Lita Barrie discussing Nature Inspied Art

On Artworld Podcast – March 13, 2024, Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art’s podcast. Lita Alburquerue and Astrid Preston , who both came out of the 70s feminist art movement discuss the way their love of nature which inspires lita Alburque’s land art, performance art and art film  and Astris Preston’s landscape painting . with scwered...
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Highlights of Frieze Los Angeles

Published in Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art, March 4, 2024. A review of Frieze week as the high point of the Los Angeles art calendar attracting 350,000 visitors including artists, art collectors, art curators, art critics, art aficianados and A -list celebrities from around the world. This is the fifth edition of Frieze Los Angeles and the...
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