Art Muse Blog

Dangerous Beauties: A Double Take on Art and Nature

Front cover story ARTWEEK.LA, Vol viagra kopen online 131, July 22, 2013 Dangerous Beauties, an exhibition curated by John O’Brien for Sturt Haaga Gallery at Descanso Gardens (May 7 through July 31, 2013) pairs art works with botanical plants – which are not what they appear to be, on the surface. This exhibition...
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Charles Fine: The Art of Visual Perception

Front cover story ARTWEEK.LA, Vol 129, July 8, 2013. An enormous  30 year survey  which fills 30,000 square feet in Ace Gallery ( October to June , 2013). The main impression Fine’s work leaves is a cherishment of natural forms and a loving pursuit of visual detail which goes beyond outer forms – to the underlying...
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